1) In the debate today, I was the chairperson because the teacher asked me to. After the speakers debated, there was a floor participation. I was supposed to announce the start of the floor participation, however, I did not because no one told me what to say. The teacher said it for me. As the chairperson, I was supposed to control the floor participation too, but I didn't know what to do and did not do anything. After the whole debate ended, my GP teacher told me actually what I was supposed to do which is like what is supposed to be a natural reaction. It is all supposed to be thought on the spot and spoken immediately. Normally, there would be tears in my eyes when the teacher talks to me. However, I was strong today. =)
2)Titration. Guess what? I was too slow, again! The burette I used is quite different from the one I used before, but that was not enough as an excuse. Haiz...