I have to work this week on friday when I already told them I quit. They said they have not enough people and I said ok to working. That's me, but I really feel sad that there is some possibility that I have to work as a waitress at four seasons for banquets for my 3rd year attachment. The thought of it makes me shiver with fear.
Went to my aunt's church yesterday. Great. I wanted to sleep because I worked on the previous day, but the play they did prevented me from sleeping in church. I cried during the worship and the pastor's prayer. My tears kind of washed some of my filth, I think. However, I think I am more wicked after the service, something like seeing through my 'true' self.
I really feel like buying this Christian book which I think will help me in my current state. Going to see if the library has that book tomorrow. I am meeting tracy tomorrow too to pass her the comics at tm. My trip tomorrow will be very productive lol.
Dear God, I want to be like my aunt to have the honour of you helping me in miraculous ways