Wahhhh!!! This show is very nice. Don't know why I almost had no feeling during fighting scenes. It is was tracy that keep on eeing.
For me, the most attractive part of the movie is the humour between men. Cannot stand it. If I didn't remember wrongly, 周瑜 asked 诸葛亮 whether he knows something a not. He replied with:" 略懂 ". End up he knows alot about that thing. Then he asked him another question and he replied with the same answer and I started laughing already. =)
Next is the battle formations. 诸葛亮 saw one of 周瑜's army battle formation and commented to another person that it is 过时. 周瑜 heard it and told 诸葛亮 :" 刚才我听见你说我们布的阵已经过时了。" 诸葛亮 replied with something like:" 我讲得那么小声你都听到。" Then 周瑜 said:" 对啊。我的耳朵很灵。" Then I could not help but started laughing loudly. Furthermore, 孙尚香 did a lot of pressing others' acupoints which was very funny. Haha. I love it. =)