[ a n g ry - s e c t i o n ]
do you have a quick temper?
i don't understand this question
what do you do when you're mad?
scold people
what's the worst thing you've done when
you were mad?
talk back to my parents
ever made anyone cry when you were
no...i don't think so
ever physically hurt someone when you were
i hope not
[ c r y i n g - s e c t i o n ]
when was the last time you really cried your heart
a few weeks ago
ever cried yourself to sleep?
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
nope, it will be so embarrassing
ever cried over the opposite sex?
do you cry when you get an injury?
yup, and i am proud of that
do certain songs make you cry?
[ p a i n - s e c t i o n ]
what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go
having no friends
what's the worst thing you've done to yourself?
i donno
what's the worst thing you've done to somebody
scratch them, beat them with a hard plastic bottle
ever had a painful break up
[h a p p y section.]
are you normally a happy person?
think so...
what can make you happy?
friends, chocolates, ice cream, music, God :D
do you wish you were happier?
what makes you the happiest?
knowing God is always with me
is being happy overrated?
can music make you happy?
[s e l f - e s t e e m section.]
do you believe in yourself?
when people say they think you are
pretty/cute, do you deny you are?
should be, since i had this bad experience
are you happy with who you are?
guess so
do you wish you can be someone else
most of the time?
nope, not now