Grow up girl. Work! Earn money, to help lessen the burden in the house. I have known for a few years that things can never stay the way they were, however, I never expected things to happen this way. I have come to the point of life that putting make-up, wearing stockings and high heels are necessary. Working experiences are more than important. Expectations of me knowing everything about Singapore is beyond my imagination. Interviews are now a part of my life. It seems like only perfect people can survive in this crazy world. Not only these, I just knew that my mom had fits last night, or rather this early morning, twice. I wondered if it is because of the world Christian I wrote last night in the application form. Is it that the devil is torturing my mom because of my action? If it is, Lord, I pray that you will really protect my mom from all the evil spirits and save her from the cluches of death. I sincerly pray that my parents and my grandmother, will become your followers before they breathe their last. Am I going back to the point when I was little that I was so afraid of death slowly coming towards my mother? I don't want to be what I used to be. God has healed me and I am healed completely. Never am I going back to what I used to be. Lord, I pray that my mother will also be healed completely. I don't want to grow up so fast anymore. Neither do I want my parents to grow old so fast. I love my mother. I love my father. I love my sister. I love my brother. I love my grandmother. I don't want them any of them to go so fast. I need them. I must learn to be more responsible. I must get a job. I must do well in polytechnic. If I were to go university, I want to skip a year. I am not who I used to be. I will not be the person I am now in the future. I will be a better person. I will do my best. I will learn to manage my time. I will find a church where I belong. I will live the life that God has prepared for me. I will live a meaningful and fulfiling life. No one can stop me.
ppl please pray for my mother too. thanks and may God bless you all.