I thought that the worst is over, but the worst has yet to come. After the passing up for marketing plan, I thought that I can at least relax a little, but no. I had to do the marketing ppt. Althought it is completed now, there is more to come. I have to do these things by monday:
- communication skills peer teaching notes
- read through marketing lecutre notes
- translate english script into jap with expansion
- FB Fun project research
- if there is time then probably do macro project
- buy an A3 base for arts appreciation
- draw my final picture on it
The last 2 points are to be done before thursday. Although there seems to be quite little to be done, considering almost my whole sunday is not free because of the concert, these are a lot.
Furthermore, I am desperate to sell 1 ticket and give out another one. Any people inerested, please sms be by tomorrow 10am. Thanks.
God, please help me through everything