I admit that I was not performing my best in this concert. I was at most of the time trying to blend in with people around me = bluff bluff play very well. Nevertheless, I still received a rose from my beloved long time no see juniors. Lol. Namely huiwen, isabell and their friends. Sorry, forgot their names.
Effect: EMBOSS
This is a picture of the rose and my new table =)
This too, in their original colours.

This is taken during the co camp. Felicia and me =)
Next, miracles. It all happened yesterday, during the proficiency test.
- I cleared all the big plates at the same time without much problems.
- Serving too.
- This is the best. The setting part. My cutlery was placed quite neatly. During practises, I took quite some time to set it and it is not really well done.
***The napkins - I just randomly took a stack of previously folded napkins by others in front of me and set it. Amazingly, it was all quite neatly folded and I was not told off by my teacher when my partner was. Now those who seriously know me inside out would know that I would not consider all these above as miracles, but I just typed it out just in case it was really God's doing and not mine and I just have to credit it. Now this is the real thing.
*****I accidentally took 1 1/2 napkins up when I tried to set it and the napkin below sort of unfolded. I used 1 hand to randomly as fast as I can to try to fold it back and it was obviously not the same as it looked before. However, the teacher did not tell me off because of that and still said my setting was good. Miracle isn't it? =D Love God to bits.
you can be surprised by the power of the saying of 'AMEN' - So be it(or something like that)