I guess I am missing a lot by not going for the green beret. I know I will learn a lot more and get to know more about God by going. Guess either I don't have the courage or just deny the fact that I know God ba...That's why I didn't go for it. I just finished my work for project like it is nothing. God's gift to me, to make me go back to Him. But I registered for so many activities in school. Is it destined or my right to choose? I don't want to choose! I want to be told where to go and what to do, because I am not confident that I will make the right decisions. But this is what I have to go through, that in the later part of my life, I will make all the right decisions because I am in training now. Well, Jesus, I pray that I will finish my projects as soon as possible that I will not need to worry about them and able to go for green beret. Thank You.