Suddenly felt like doing personality test.
Your Scores:
Director 12%
Cheerleader 20%
Investigator 40%
Caregiver 28%
I am not sure if I answered all the questions correctly a not, but more or less, I agree that this is my personality.
Typical positive character traits of these are:Director: driven by an active will and the need to get results.
Cheerleader: driven by emotion and the need to influence.
Investigator: driven by logic and the need to do things right.
Caregiver: driven by a passive will and the need to help.
When under pressure each of us typically reacts differently:Director: responds through outbursts.
Cheerleader: responds with intense emotion and talking.
Investigator: responds by withdrawing and thinking negatively.
Caregiver: responds by withdrawing and becoming fatigued.
Each of us looks to others for support:Director: needs respect and the acceptance of their ideas.
Cheerleader: seeks approval, camaraderie and to be noticed.
Investigator: wants assurance and recognition for competency.
Caregiver: wants sincere appreciation and harmony.
As we look through the Bible we can see these dominant character traits in several individuals:Director: King David, Ruth, Apostle Paul
Cheerleader: King Solomon, James the brother to Jesus
Investigator: Moses, Matthew the Tax Collector
Caregiver: Abraham, Esther, Barnabas