Lol got lots of things to blog about. I shall start from
tuesday. We had this tpco amazing race thing and my group lost. Our group was the only group who couldn't complete all the questions. I finally realised the power of 4th dimension. The group who won had group members that were very confident of winning and proclaimed it. I was on the other hand, indifferent. That is the reason.
After that, some of us went to Carl's jr and eat. We did not eat steamboat as planned because of the extreme heavy rain.

The burger was so big. I thought it was ok until I was halfway through eating. I was already full by then. Had a hard time pushing it into my mouth and down to the stomach.
Wednesday, went to the dentist with my mom to confirm that I am NOT going for operation but braces only. Did lots of things. Didn't know putting on braces is a complicating thing. Had mould of my teeth, took photographs of it and then x-ray. Dentist said that my 2 upper and 2 lower teeth have to be plucked out! Wahhhhhh!!!
On the way to school at bedok mrt station, saw F.I.R's poster of their latest album. Suddenly, a song just came to me with these lyrics :
是好是坏 要放得开
往梦想的路 没有想象中简单
我还要更勇敢Realised my lack of skill in erhu. Cried because of that, because of unbelief that God can help me through it. Sorry God. Went home with that song in mind. Checked the entire lyrics of that song, Fly away. Cried again. Was ministered by God through the song. Gave me comfort. It is very funny that God ministers through not christian songs. Shall believe that it is true. Entire song goes like this:
清晨的微风 如此的平凡 看似简单
雾气驱散 温柔的阳光中
慢慢醒了过来 准备面对挑战
在新的世纪 该抛开过去
是好是坏 要放得开
往梦想的路 没有想象中简单
时间的钟响起 我不该逗留
Fly Away 不管留下了多少眼泪
Nothing I Will Be Afraid
Fly Away 不管未来有多困难
Nothing I Will Be AfraidThursday did spring cleaning and asset taking from 10 am to 9 pm, and still not done yet. My own spring cleaning at home is still not done yet lor. To think that a few days later school will start, feel quite tensed.
Just called the NDC for change of appointment but it is not possible. I have to miss school. Not excited about it at all.
Melissa grew so much in the Lord in just about a month. Paul grew a lot in the Lord in just a few days. What about me? Still battling with my mind eons after reading the battlefield of the mind for teenagers. I want a breakthrough. I know I will overcome!