Child Of God

*.* Child of God *.*

Name: Lovey Ng Shu Qi
Birthday: 2/5/89
Occupation: student of Temasek Polytechnic
Loves: God, school, Church, you, me, family, chocolates, chocolate milk, chrysanthemum tea, cheese, erhu, guitar, piano, drums, rain, sunshine, solar energy, Miss Mazlina, Ms Mawar, Mr Ang, Mdm Yew, Mrs Hong, Mr Eddie Tan, Miss Woon, recycling, eating, sleeping, mushrooms, watermelon, jackfruit, durian, long beans, eggs, french toast, songs, movies, reading comics, epps, 1A, 4B, 6K, tms, 2/7, 3/6 / 4 Unity, singing, pizza, tpjc, 06S19, tp, 1H01, 2H04, 2H07, 3H01...

baby ming hui haha

blog created on 27 March 2005 Easter Sunday

*.* Prayers *.*

To put God first in everything
To get Gold for 2005 20/4 CO SYF
To love God and all his creation
To study hard
To have perfect eyesight
Not to be sadistic
To be empathetic instead of sympathetic
To learn from other's experiences
For my parents and grandmother to be God's followers
To take the initiative

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Found at Blogskins

Thursday, January 31, 2008

*.* God speaking *.*

Walk with the wise and grow wise, but a companion of fools suffer harm.

What's with me singing "For the cause of Christ, I will lay down my life"? I mean, if I can't even sacrifice my sleep and time for Him to just join Him in Jesus' bride, will I be even willing to die for Him? Impossible. I was listening to this song the day after jie ming hui called me to tell me about the interview for Jesus' bride and this thought just dawned on me. God wants me to be His bride! The evidence is the ring on my finger. Why do I just make Him so sad? I am destined to be in it k.

God also spoke to me through this book that my aunt bought for me eons ago. How amazing it is that God created the insects that we totally hate but they contribute to the ecological system. Maggots of flies only feed on dead and decaying flesh. They are the natural doctors of animals that suffer wounds. By eating away the decaying flesh, the wound will not be infected and new flesh is allowed to grow to cover up the wound. Mosquitoes act as herdsmen of deers which eat leaves to force them to move up and down the mountain to eat leaves to allow sunlight to pass through to reach the plants on the ground. In contrast, humans are the only creatures on earth that serve no ecological purpose. Sad huh? But we are made to do the most noble thing, which is to praise the living God! Excited? Let's all live for God and God alone! Experience total and extreme breakthrough in your life! Miracles and surprises will come along your way! Believe and be victorious in life!!!

lol this is like a post from God to me, to remind me of His goodness...

I cheered with joy @ | 12:44 AM