Wahhhhh! I love my friends so much!!! All that I owe them, I am very sure that I cannot repay them. Really, what's more about my parents and grandparents? They are with me for as long as I know and did so many things for me. How can I every repay? The greatest of all is my Father God in heaven. He created me from the very beginning, the One who knows me inside out. I can never repay the love that He has showered upon me. My friends only helped me printed my report and passed it up for me, but my Father helped me did the report in the first place. Plus, the Lord has already planned out my life for me. Who can ever do that? Not even my parents on earth or the insurance agent. He, my parents and grandparents also took in all the nonsense from me but still continue to give me the best. Friends also accept me for who I am. Must learn to appreciate and say things like thank you and sorry and giving hugs and kisses. Love you all!