Our walk with Jesus is like an orchestra. My aunt once said that the conductor is the Holy Spirit. Everyone in the orchestra is very important. Anyone less will significantly affect the quality and loudness of the pieces played. It is difficult though, to get on the stage and perform. Some cannot take the tedious practice hours and dropped out, some cannot commit due to other commitments, and some just cannot make it. Why? They just don't do their best I guess. "Whatever we do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for men." Somehow or another, the conductor will always be able to find better replacements for these people, however, he would prefer if he don't have to do it. Everyone has his own job to do and their jobs complement each other. Together, they produce sweet melodies to audience, to the glory of the conductor. The audiences are drawn to them, follow their news and become their fans. They are sort of role models for them. However, their success is not easy. It is credited to the guidance of the conductor and long hours of practices. If you don't practice regularly, your skills will deteriorate. It is the same as the walk with God. You either improve or deprove - there is no such thing as stay the same. The devil continues to attack and never stops. Persevere to get to the destination - to be Jesus' bride.
just remember: at the end of our lives, we only have to report to God
don't dwell in the dark
turn to the light and continue walking forward