Well this is one of the things I just thought of that I want to thank God for. After writing that post, I played the
without love song, looked at the lyrics and sang. There is one part where it goes like this:
Love does not envy
Never brags, it's never proud
Slow to wrath,
it keeps no records
of wrongs against friends
Love forgives
We all could use forgivenessI started tearing and finally forgave those I need to forgive. It was good healing.
The next morning, I read my bible and I read that part where there is no righteousness in men. I had more healing after reading that. "God is finally listening to my prayer and tell me directly what I need to know!" I was really comforted. Well, thinking about it now, I still am not satisfied.
Humans are never satisfied. Now I want God to tell me before telling other people about me, but I know I need to be humbled first before I get exalted. I think I still have a long way to go...